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Discover Your Uniqueness

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If you want to fully embrace the true shine of the diamond within, you must uncover and rediscover your unique qualities and the factors that hinder you from being Y.O.U.  The five questions on the two Be Y.O.U. Worksheets are designed to give you the framework to bringing back the clarity of your diamond qualities designed in the blueprints you were created.  On the following worksheets, give detailed and honest responses to each question.  In the Notes section, provide any additional information that you feel is valuable to your assessment and discovery process.  The responses will be utilized for both your personal self-work and individualized Be Y.O.U. consultation with one of our coaches.

The Be Y.O.U.

Assessment Worksheet

The Be Y.O.U.

Discovery Worksheet


Please fill in as many details as you possibly can.


Please fill in as many details as you possibly can.


Please fill in as many details as you possibly can.

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